Drivesure Vehicle Testing


Drivesure Vehicle Testing Stations are located near you for expert, independent Vehicle Safety Inspections.WOF, Vehicle Registration, Pre Purchase Vehicle Inspections and Oil Changes to keep you on the road longer. 4 Convenient Auckland branches so check out our website for a branch near youYou don't have to book an appointment at Drivesure and you will normally wait less than 30 minutes while one of our helpful inspectors using the latest vehicle testing equipment ensures your vehicle is up to standard and safe to drive.On completion of the inspection you will receive a Vehicle Inspection Report so you can feel assured that a full and proper Warrant of Fitness has been done.Drivesure Vehicle Testing services:* Warrant of Fitness / WOF Inspections in Auckland* Vehicle Registration in Auckland* WOFPlus checks in Auckland* Pre Purchase Vehicle Inspections in Auckland* Oil Changes in AucklandIf your car does fail its WOF, Drivesure Vehicle Testing offers a FREE Warrant of Fitness Recheck within 28 days of the Original WOF Inspection. This will allow you to get your vehicle problems fixed at the repairer of your choice and get back on the road safely.DRIVESURE DON'T PERFORM MECHANICAL REPAIRS SO IF THEY TELL YOU YOUR CAR NEEDS SOME WORK, IT REALLY DOES!Drivesure helpful Vehicle Inspectors will check your oil and water and help you get back on the road sooner by replacing minor faults such as useless wiper blades and broken light bulbs.Drivesure Vehicle Testing Stations:* Drivesure Vehicle Testing Browns Bay* Drivesure Vehicle Testing Cascades Rd* Drivesure Vehicle Testing Manukau* Drivesure Vehicle Testing PapakuraYou will also receive a mail, text or email reminder when you WOF is next due to help avoid pesky fines and keep your insurance valid.